Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Taste of Europe

We will post on the twinspace a dessert recipe from our home country along with instructions on how to make it. Each school involved in the project will then make all the recipes and taste them (posting pictures and videos as we go). At the end of the project we will vote on the recipes and hopefully have a winning dessert!!
Pre-school Subjects
Pupil's age:
3 - 7
Tools to be used:
e-mail, Forum, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Video conference
To give the children an experience of tasting foods from all over Europe. To let the children observe other children trying their recipes and commenting on them!
Work process:
Each school posts recipe. Each school makes the desserts, tastes them and posts experiences on twinspace. Each school votes for a winner!
Expected results:
Hopefully tasty ones!! Children will experience new foods, make comments and hopefully be willing to try other new foods.


Luz said...

I am really happy to see that a new project is beginnig. It is a delicious project... And the recepies?... Mnham...mnhammm...who can resist to them?
Next week we shall try them too!
Maria and little stars

Luz said...

My best wishes for the new project and the new blog!